Monday, February 19, 2024

Rig veda 3.26.7

अग्निर् अस्मि जन्मना जातवेदा घृतम् मे चक्षुर् अमृतम् म आसन् |
अर्कस् त्रिधातू रजसो विमानो ऽजस्रो घर्मो हविर् अस्मि नाम ||
agnir asmi janmanā jātavedā ghṛtam me cakṣur amṛtam ma āsan |
arkas tridhātū rajaso vimāno 'jasro gharmo havir asmi nāma ||

- agnir asmi  : I (human being/composer) am the agni (soul/phychic being) 
- janmanā jātavedā: from (physical human) birth i am knower of all (my previous) births
- ghṛtam me cakṣur : Butter (knowledge, supramental light in the mind) is my eye (organ representing the suprementalized mind)
- amṛtam ma āsan : immortality (supramentalized physical being)  is my mouth (the organ representing the physical mind)
- arkas tridhātū : I am the three fold light (mental being, vital being, physical being)
- rajaso vimāno : I measure (fully grasp) the rajas (vital world)
- 'jasro gharmo : unceasing ( deathless) illumination (knowledge) am I
- havir asmi nāma : I (the soul/psychic being) am what is offered (in the sacrifice performed by the mental being human since I am ever connected to gods).

Saturday, January 20, 2024

Rig veda 10.90.15

सप्तास्यासन् परिधयस् त्रिः सप्त समिधः कृताः |
देवा यद् यज्ञं तन्वाना अबध्नन् पुरुषम् पशुम् ||

saptāsyāsan paridhayas triḥ sapta samidhaḥ kṛtāḥ |
devā yad yajñaṃ tanvānā abadhnan puruṣam paśum ||

- saptāsyāsan paridhayas  : Seven (physical-vital-mental-supermental-harmony-force-existence planes or bhu-bhuvar-svar-maha-jana-tapah-sat lokasabha) were the fencing sticks (that put the boundary around original purusha)
-  triḥ sapta samidhaḥ kṛtāḥ : three times seven = 21 ( seven planes acting in the three lower planes of physical-vital-mental) were the layers of fuel
- devā yad yajñaṃ : The devas (purusha in the seven planes who are aware of their divine origin) perform the sacrifice ( the continuous  act of creation)
- tanvānā abadhnan puruṣam paśum : by binding the purusha (in the three lower planes) as the (helpless) sacrificing the animal (by projecting the purusha in the seven planes and by making the projections forget it's divine origins)

21 layers of fuel are
1. Pure physical plane
2. Vital physical
3. Mental physical
4. Supermental physical
5. Harmony physical
6. Force physical
7. Existence physical
8. Physical vital
9. Pure vital
10. Mental vital
11. Supramental vital
12. Harmony vital
13. Force vital
14. Existence vital
15. Physical mental
16. Vital mental
17. Pure mental
18. Supramental mental
19. Harmony mental
20. Force mental
21. Existence mental

Monday, January 15, 2024

Rig veda 1.1.3

अग्निना रयिम् अश्नवत् पोषम् एव दिवे-दिवे |
यशसं वीरवत्तमम् ||
agninā rayim aśnavat poṣam eva dive-dive |
yaśasaṃ vīravattamam ||

- agninā rayim aśnavat : By agni (soul) one obtains treasure (divine connection)
- poṣam eva dive-dive : that increases day by day 
- yaśasaṃ vīravattamam : which (this treasure of divine connection ) also gives hero's strength

Sunday, January 14, 2024

Rig Veda 10.90.12

ब्राह्मणो ऽस्य मुखम् आसीद् बाहू राजन्यः कृतः |
ऊरू तद् अस्य यद् वैश्यः पद्भ्यां शूद्रो अजायत ||

brāhmaṇo 'sya mukham āsīd bāhū rājanyaḥ kṛtaḥ |
ūrū tad asya yad vaiśyaḥ padbhyāṃ śūdro ajāyata ||

- brāhmaṇo 'sya mukham āsīd : Brahmin (associates with ) the face (which is the seat of mental being) of the purusha
- bāhū rājanyaḥ kṛtaḥ : Arms (the seat of upper vital or mental vital) of purusha is the warrior king (associates himself with)
- ūrū tad asya yad vaiśyaḥ : Thighs (the seat of lower vital or physical vital) of the purusha are the mercantile class (associating with)
- padbhyāṃ śūdro ajāyata : The feet (the seat of physical being) of the purusha are he workers (associating with)

Saturday, January 13, 2024

Katha Upanishad 2.1.8

अरण्योर्निहितो जातवेदा गर्भ इव सुभृतो गर्भिणीभिः।
दिवे दिवे ईड्यो जागृवद्भिर्हविष्मद्भिर्मनुष्येभिरग्निः। एतद्वै तत्‌ ॥

araṇyornihito jātavedā garbha iva subhṛto garbhiṇībhiḥ |
dive dive īḍyo jāgṛvadbhirhaviṣmadbhirmanuṣyebhiragniḥ | etadvai tat ||

- araṇyornihito jātavedā : In the forest (vital being behind heart) resides (hides) the knower of birth (our soul agni)

- garbha iva subhṛto garbhiṇībhiḥ : Like a pregnant woman (symbolic of the human physical-vital-mental being ) with care carries the womb (symbolic of the soul agni which is trying to take birth by expressing out from the mind-vital-physical being)

- dive dive īḍyo: Day by day (agni the soul) is worshipped by the

- jāgṛvadbhirhaviṣmadbhirmanuṣyebhiragniḥ : One who are in wakeful state (physical consciousness as against dream state of vital/mental consciousness or deep sleep state of supramental consciousness) , one (vital being) who desire to stand in front for performing sacrifice (with agni/soul as the priest connecting them to gods) and who are the men (mental beings)

- etadvai tat : this (agni/soul) is the one you are seeking.

Friday, January 12, 2024

Ishavasya upanishad verse 11

विद्याञ्चाविद्याञ्च यस्तद्वेदोभयं सह।
अविद्यया मृत्युं तीर्त्वा विद्ययाऽमृतमश्नुते ॥
vidyāñcāvidyāñca yastadvedobhayaṁ saha |
avidyayā mṛtyuṁ tīrtvā vidyayā'mṛtamaśnute ||

- vidyāñcāvidyāñca yastadvedobhayaṁ saha : He who knows both the (spiritual transformation by) knowledge  and the (supramental transformation by entering the) ignorance together (as the same divine work)
- avidyayā mṛtyuṁ tīrtvā : crosses death (which is a challenge in lower hemisphere of mind-life-matter) by (supramental transformation of) ignorance and 
- vidyayā'mṛtamaśnute : Attains immortality (which is the nature of upper hemisphere of existence-force-harmony) by (spiritual transformation through) knowledge

Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Ishavasya Upanishad Verse 10

इति शुश्रुम धीराणां ये नस्तद्विचचक्षिरे ॥
anyadevāhurvidyayā'nyadāhuravidyayā |
iti śuśruma dhīrāṇāṁ ye nastadvicacakṣire ||

- anyadevāhurvidyay : Other (ie. spiritual Ascension transformation) verily comes from (the revelation of) the knowledge (of unity of atman and brahman consciousness)
- ā'nyadāhuravidyayā : Other (ie. Supramental  transformation)  verily comes from (descending into the) ignorance (  of the lower hemisphere of mind-life-matter and connecting it of the divine origin)
iti śuśruma dhīrāṇāṁ : This (wisdom) we have heard from the wise ones
ye nastadvicacakṣire : This had been revealed to our understanding

Thursday, January 4, 2024

Ishavasya Upanishad verse 9

अन्धं तमः प्रविशन्ति येऽविद्यामुपासते।
ततो भूय इव ते तमो य उ विद्यायां रताः ॥

andhaṁ tamaḥ praviśanti ye'vidyāmupāsate |
tato bhūya iva te tamo ya u vidyāyāṁ ratāḥ ||

- andhaṁ tamaḥ praviśanti : Blind darkness (of lower hemisphere made of mind-life-matter which is cut off from knowledge of divine origin) does one enter
- ye'vidyāmupāsate : who pursues only the (supramental transformation which tries to descend into the) ignorance
- tato bhūya iva te tamo: Into a greater darkness ( of straying from the path of divine which is trying to transform the lower hemisphere) he enters
- ya u vidyāyāṁ ratāḥ: who pursues only the path of (ascending moksha that pursues the path of)  knowledge (of divine origin and higher hemisphere of existence-force-harmony while abandoning the lower hemisphere)