Monday, November 6, 2023

Rig veda 10.129.1

नासद् आसीन् नो सद् आसीत् तदानीं नासीद् रजो नो व्योमा परो यत् |
किम् आवरीवः कुह कस्य शर्मन्न् अम्भः किम् आसीद् गहनं गभीरम् ||
nāsad āsīn no sad āsīt tadānīṃ nāsīd rajo no vyomā paro yat |
kim āvarīvaḥ kuha kasya śarmann ambhaḥ kim āsīd gahanaṃ gabhīram ||

- nāsad āsīn no sad āsīt : (Before creation) what was present can neither be called existence nor non existence (In static form it is no different than the inconsciousness that surrender it)
- tadānīṃ nāsīd rajo no vyomā paro yat : There was no (lower world such as) vital plane nor were there higher worlds (such as sat-chit-ananda existence plane, force plane and harmony plane) (since these dynamic world come after creation)
- kim āvarīvaḥ kuha kasya śarmann : what was it that was covered up (by the darkness of inconsciousness)? Where was it? In what did it take refuge?
- ambhaḥ kim āsīd gahanaṃ gabhīram : what was that deep and impenetrable ocean (of inconscious darkness that surrounded it)?

Sunday, November 5, 2023

Rig veda 1.95.3

त्रीणि जाना परि भूषन्त्य् अस्य समुद्र एकं दिव्य् एकम् अप्सु |
पूर्वाम् अनु प्र दिशम् पार्थिवानाम् ऋतून् प्रशासद् वि दधाव् अनुष्ठु ||
trīṇi jānā pari bhūṣanty asya samudra ekaṃ divy ekam apsu |
pūrvām anu pra diśam pārthivānām ṛtūn praśāsad vi dadhāv anuṣṭhu ||

- trīṇi jānā pari bhūṣanty asya : There are 3 births (of agni/soul) that we come to see around us
- samudra ekaṃ divy ekam apsu : In the physical space (ocean), in the mental space (heaven), in vital space (waters descending from heaven)
- pūrvām anu pra diśam pārthivānām : (The agni/soul) for the dwellers of this earth (mortal humans) sets the (eastern) direction (to proceed)
 - rtun praśāsad vi dadhāv anuṣṭhu : and ordains the succession of seasons (marks the time for the sacrifice).

Saturday, November 4, 2023

Rog veda 6.12.1

मध्ये होता दुरोणे बर्हिषो राऌ अग्निस् तोदस्य रोदसी यजध्यै |
अयं स सूनुः सहस ऋतावा दूरात् सूर्यो न शोचिषा ततान ||
madhye hotā duroṇe barhiṣo rāḷ agnis todasya rodasī yajadhyai |
ayaṃ sa sūnuḥ sahasa ṛtāvā dūrāt sūryo na śociṣā tatāna ||

- madhye hotā duroṇe : In the midmost region (heart) of the human body (house) the priest,
- barhiṣo rāḷ agnis : who is the soul (agni) sits like the king of the sacred seat (behind the vital being which is also situated in the heart)
- todasya rodasī yajadhyai : The soul performs sacrifice for mental and physical being (heaven and earth)
- ayaṃ sa sūnuḥ sahasa ṛtāvā : This is the son of shiva (shiva stands for chit/force in sat-chit-ananda and his son is agni who in puranas is the kumara karthikeya) in whom is the order (rtam of satyam ritam brihat)
- dūrāt sūryo na śociṣā tatāna : Like the far away sun (vijnana/super mind) illuminates us (so does the soul seems to act from far since our mind-vital-physical body has not undergone supramental transformation from sun/vijnana not it has undergone psychic transformation by the soul). 

Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Rig veda 1.1.8

राजन्तम् अध्वराणां गोपाम् ऋतस्य दीदिविम् |
वर्धमानं स्वे दमे ||
rājantam adhvarāṇāṃ gopām ṛtasya dīdivim |
vardhamānaṃ sve dame ||

- rājantam adhvarāṇāṃ: (agni/soul) You are the king presiding over the sacrifice (performed by the mental (minister)-vital (soldier)-physical (worker)  being)
- gopām ṛtasya dīdivim : You are the protector of the divine order and it's illumination (though mind life and body is groping in the darkness, soul is ever aware of the divine presence and path it wants us to take)
- vardhamānaṃ sve dame : Increase (psychic transform or soul talking over) in thy own house (mental-vital-physical body).

Rig veda 1.1.9

स नः पितेव सूनवे ऽग्ने सूपायनो भव |
सचस्वा नः स्वस्तये ||
sa naḥ piteva sūnave 'gne sūpāyano bhava |
sacasvā naḥ svastaye ||

- sa naḥ piteva sūnave ; Like a father onto a son
- agne sūpāyano bhava : Agni(soul) easily approach us (mental-vital-physical being)
- sacasvā naḥ svastaye : care for us to achieve the blessed state (psychic transformation of mental-vital-physical being)

Monday, October 30, 2023

Rig veda 1.95.1

द्वे विरूपे चरतः स्वर्थे अन्यान्या वत्सम् उप धापयेते |
हरिर् अन्यस्याम् भवति स्वधावाञ् छुक्रो अन्यस्यां ददृशे सुवर्चाः ||
dve virūpe carataḥ svarthe anyānyā vatsam upa dhāpayete |
harir anyasyām bhavati svadhāvāñ chukro anyasyāṃ dadṛśe suvarcāḥ ||

- dve virūpe carataḥ svarthe : Two great mothers (Aditi-mother of gods who are aware of their divine origin and Diti-mother of beings who are unaware of their origin) march towards the same goal (which is to make the world for the habitation of non dual divine which existed before creation). 
- anyānyā vatsam upa dhāpayete : They take turns to feed the child (who is the original non dual divine born to these mothers)
- harir anyasyām bhavati svadhāvāñ : (non dual divine through Aditi ) he becomes sun (super mind/Vijnana) who is the master of his nature.
- chukro anyasyāṃ dadṛśe suvarcāḥ : (Through Diti) he is born as the bright soul/fire that guides beings in the darkness

Sunday, October 29, 2023

Rig veda 6.11.2

त्वं होता मन्द्रतमो नो अध्रुग् अन्तर् देवो विदथा मर्त्येषु |
पावकया जुह्वा वह्निर् आसाग्ने यजस्व तन्वं तव स्वाम् ||
tvaṃ hotā mandratamo no adhrug antar devo vidathā martyeṣu |
pāvakayā juhvā vahnir āsāgne yajasva tanvaṃ tava svām ||

- tvaṃ hotā mandratamo no adhrug : You (agni/soul) are the priest (for the sacrifice conducted by the mortal being) who never harms and provides delight
- antar devo vidathā martyeṣu : You (agni/soul) are the god indwelling the mortal and helps him discover the knowledge
- pāvakayā juhvā vahnir āsāgne: By the purifying flame of oblation carried (to gods) in your mouth (symbolically the mantras chanted by the priest who is agni) 
- yajasva tanvaṃ tava svām: sacrifice (to gods) your own body (of the mortal man since you are it's indwelling soul)

Saturday, October 28, 2023

Rig veda 10.51.7

कुर्मस् त आयुर् अजरं यद् अग्ने यथा युक्तो जातवेदो न रिष्याः |
अथा वहासि सुमनस्यमानो भागं देवेभ्यो हविषः सुजात ||
kurmas ta āyur ajaraṃ yad agne yathā yukto jātavedo na riṣyāḥ |
athā vahāsi sumanasyamāno bhāgaṃ devebhyo haviṣaḥ sujāta ||

- kurmas ta āyur ajaraṃ yad agne : (Mitra and varuna reply to agni) Since We have made your life imperishable/immortal 
- yathā yukto jātavedo na riṣyāḥ: yoked by this immortality no harm will come to you as jataveda/knower of births (of the mortal man since soul is the immortal element connecting various births)
- athā vahāsi sumanasyamāno: hence act as an intermediary with a cheerful mind
- bhāgaṃ devebhyo haviṣaḥ sujāta: o high born soul (whose birth in physical world has a divine purpose), for the portion alloted to gods during the sacrifice (conducted by the mortal man to assist the divine ascend the physical plane)

Rig veda 10.51.6

अग्नेः पूर्वे भ्रातरो अर्थम् एतं रथीवाध्वानम् अन्व् आवरीवुः |
तस्माद् भिया वरुण दूरम् आयं गौरो न क्षेप्नोर् अविजे ज्यायाः ||
agneḥ pūrve bhrātaro artham etaṃ rathīvādhvānam anv āvarīvuḥ |
tasmād bhiyā varuṇa dūram āyaṃ gauro na kṣepnor avije jyāyāḥ ||

- agneḥ pūrve bhrātaro: (agni replies to mitra and varuna) The ancient brothers of agni/soul ( 3 brothers are Bhupati- physical being, Bhutapati-Vital being and bhuvana pati - mental being)
- artham etaṃ rathīvādhvānam : pursued the goal (requested by mitra and varuna to act as the connection from gods to mortal man) as chariot pursues a path
- anv āvarīvuḥ: one after another (and failed in the mission)
- tasmād bhiyā varuṇa dūram āyaṃ : Hence out of fear (that I would fail like my brothers) o varuna I came far and hid (in the depth of unconscious so that mortal man does become not aware of my existence )
-  gauro na kṣepnor avije jyāyāḥ: just like an animal hiding from an archer's bow strings. 

Friday, October 27, 2023

Ishavasya upanishad verse 2

कुर्वन्नेवेह कर्माणि जिजीविषेत् शतं समाः।
एवं त्वयि नान्यथेतोऽस्ति न कर्म लिप्यते नरे ॥
kurvanneveha karmāṇi jijīviṣet śataṁ samāḥ |
evaṁ tvayi nānyatheto'sti na karma lipyate nare ||

- kurvanneveha karmāṇi : In this (mortal physical ) world , one  (The mental-vital-physical being) must perform the duty (soul/psychic being's mission in this birth)
- jijīviṣet śataṁ samāḥ : and thus aspire to live the full (100 year) mortal life
- evaṁ tvayi nānyatheto'sti : Thus it is in this (mission of soul which has the absolute free will to habitats anywhere it wants) and not otherwise (relative free will of mental being, vital being or physical being which require soul's consent to act)
- na karma lipyate nare : does a man not entangle himself in karma (laws of nature)

Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Isha Upanishad verse 1

ईशा वास्यमिदं सर्वं यत्किञ्च जगत्यां जगत्‌।
तेन त्यक्तेन भुञ्जीथा मा गृधः कस्यस्विद्धनम्‌ ॥
īśā vāsyamidaṁ sarvaṁ yatkiñca jagatyāṁ jagat |
tena tyaktena bhuñjīthā mā gṛdhaḥ kasyasviddhanam ||

- īśā vāsyamidaṁ sarvaṁ: The supreme controller (Ishwar for macrocosm and soul/psychic being of microcosm-human body) has created everything (macrocosm 7 planes of physical-vital-mental-supramental-delight-force-existance or microcosm human triple being of physical being-vital being-mental being) for his habitation (to fulfill existence/sat's desire to penetrate non existence/asat that surrounded it before creation - nasadiya sukta)

-yatkiñca jagatyāṁ jagat: for whatever that exists in the macrocosm and microcosm.

- tena tyaktena bhuñjīthā: (The vital being should hence) renounce desires and enjoy (whatever comes by submitting to the command of the soul/psychic being)

- mā gṛdhaḥ kasyasviddhanam: (The vital being) should lust not after another person's wealth (since it would stray the vital being from the path soul wants to pursue)

Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Rig veda 10.129.5

तिरश्चीनो विततो रश्मिर् एषाम् अधः स्विद् आसी३द् उपरि स्विद् आसी३त् |
रेतोधा आसन् महिमान आसन् स्वधा अवस्तात् प्रयतिः परस्तात् ||

tiraścīno vitato raśmir eṣām adhaḥ svid āsīd upari svid āsīt |
retodhā āsan mahimāna āsan svadhā avastāt prayatiḥ parastāt ||

- tiraścīno vitato raśmir : The rays (prajapati or creator of the supramental  or vijnana) plane spread horizontally (established itself in the middle)
- eṣām adhaḥ svid āsīd : It established the (triple physical-vital-mental or anna-prana-mana lower hemispherical) world below
- upari svid āsīt : It established the (triple  sat-chit-ananda upper hemispherical) world above
-retodhā āsan mahimāna āsan: It (super mind/vijnana) is the mighty caster of seed (for the world)
- svadhā avastāt: It is the potential energy before (creation)
- prayatiḥ parastāt: It becomes the kinetic energy after (creation)

Monday, October 23, 2023

Rig veda 1.141.4

प्र यत् पितुः परमान् नीयते पर्य् आ पृक्षुधो वीरुधो दंसु रोहति |
उभा यद् अस्य जनुषं यद् इन्वत आद् इद् यविष्ठो अभवद् घृणा शुचिः ||

pra yat pituḥ paramān nīyate pary ā pṛkṣudho vīrudho daṃsu rohati |
ubhā yad asya januṣaṃ yad invata ād id yaviṣṭho abhavad ghṛṇā śuciḥ ||

- pra yat pituḥ paramān nīyate pary ā: When the supreme father (Purusha) comes down
-pṛkṣudho vīrudho daṃsu rohati: He evolves/ascends wonderfully by hungrily feeding on the plants (life forms in physical world)
- ubhā yad asya januṣaṃ yad invata: Both (mothers knowledge/aditi and ignorance/diti. Symbolically 2 fire sticks) cause the birth (of purusha) for the sacrificer (mental being)
-ād id yaviṣṭho abhavad ghṛṇā śuciḥ: so that the purusha who has descended is youthful and pure.

Saturday, October 21, 2023

Rig veda 10.90.2

पुरुष एवेदं सर्वं यद् भूतं यच् च भव्यम् |
उतामृतत्वस्येशानो यद् अन्नेनातिरोहति ||

puruṣa evedaṃ sarvaṃ yad bhūtaṃ yac ca bhavyam |
utāmṛtatvasyeśāno yad annenātirohati ||

- puruṣa evedaṃ sarvaṃ: Purusha (Dynamic brahman) is everything in the present universe
- yad bhūtaṃ: He was the everything in the past universe
- yac ca bhavyam: He will also be the everything in the future universe (nothing exist besides him)
- utāmṛtatvasyeśāno yad: Though as the supreme ruler he has established immortality in some worlds (mental world of heaven, vital world of mid region etc) 
- annenātirohati: He is still evolving /ascending in this physical world (to establish immortality)

Rig veda 10.90.1

सहस्रशीर्षा पुरुषः सहस्राक्षः सहस्रपात् |
स भूमिं विश्वतो वृत्वात्य् अतिष्ठद् दशाङ्गुलम् ||

sahasraśīrṣā puruṣaḥ sahasrākṣaḥ sahasrapāt |
sa bhūmiṃ viśvato vṛtvāty atiṣṭhad daśāṅgulam ||

- sahasraśīrṣā puruṣaḥ: Everyplace in the universe is in the thoughts (mind) of the Purusha (Dynamic aspect of Brahman)
- sahasrākṣaḥ : Everything in the universe he perceives (through his vijnana/super mind)
- sahasrapāt: Everywhere he moves
- sa bhūmiṃ viśvato vṛtvāty: (Though) he pervades the physical universe 
- atiṣṭhad daśāṅgulam: he is still some distance away (from fully establishing himself in the physical universe )

Friday, October 20, 2023

Rig Veda 1.1.1

अग्निम् ईळे पुरोहितं यज्ञस्य देवम् ऋत्विजम् |
होतारं रत्नधातमम् ||

agnim īḷe purohitaṃ yajñasya devam ṛtvijam |
hotāraṃ ratnadhātamam ||

- agnim īḷe : (The mental being) adores/worships the the soul/psychic being.

- purohitaṃ yajñasya :  (The soul) acts as the leading priest of the sacrifice .(yajaman/sponsor is the mental being who wishes to invite the devas)

- devam ṛtvijam: (The soul) is the deva who know the law (of sacrifice)

- hotāraṃ ratnadhātamam: (The soul) is the offerer of oblations who delivers the treasure of delight (sought by the mental being)

Monday, July 24, 2023

The Vedic Religion - Why do we need to study it.

Historical research on the ancient Vedic civilization requires an objective interpretation of the religion derived from the original Vedic texts. Such an objective interpretation will help the relative chronology of the Vedic text when compared with other Indo European religions. 

The two main source groups for interpreting the Vedic texts can be classified as traditionalist and revisionist. The traditionalist include mainly the Uttara Mimamsa school of thoughts of Shankaracharya, Ramanujacharya, Madhvacharya etc who place Vedanta text above the Vedas. Every other traditional school of thoughts do not differ from Uttara Mimamsa in assigning a mere ritualistic purpose to the vedic text. The revisionist school of thought have sprung up in response to challenges raised by Nastik ideologies (opposition to Vedic schools not necessarily atheist). These include Arya Samaj, Brahmo Samaj, Hindutvavadis, neo Vedantist etc. The revisionist interpret texts to prove that the Vedic religion contained various kind of concepts ranging from nationalism, anti idol worship, liberalism, secularism etc. Unfortunately both the traditionalist and the revisionist engage in "brushing under the carpet" tactics of text that does not fit their philosophy. Hence their interpretation often provides limited value for historical research. 

For historical research, we must objectively attempt to understand the Vedic rishis's religion. Their religion can be very different from traditionalist and revisionist's version which is influenced by later developments. For example concepts that are fundamental to traditionalist such as karma, pralaya, yugas etc do not exist in Rigveda. 

 A breakthrough in understanding the Vedic religion happened with the publication of Aurobindo's "The secret of Vedas". Aurobindo presented a psychological framework where the various puzzle pieces of the Vedic religion started to fit. He himself claimed that the objective of his book was not to be comprehensive but to give the initial impetus. His hope was that others would follow and help shape it in the future. Given the vast Vedic literature, this task cannot be completed by one person. Unfortunately, Aurobindo's work has not received much attention beyond a small group of his devotees.

In series of blogs, I am planning to present Aurobindo's framework. I am also hoping to attempt the relative chronology of Rigveda and Avesta. I hope several people will take up the challenge of understanding the Vedic religion and the comparative study of other Indo-European religion. This will help us understand not only our Vedic ancestors but also who we are.