Let us review the four crucial evidence that narrows the date of the Mahabharata war to only 8 possible candidate years between 800B.C to 3000B.C.
These four evidences are:
1. Winter solstice at Magha and Autumnal equinox in Karthika
2. Saturn in Rohini
3. Mars retrograde near jyesta
Winter solstice at Magha and Autumnal equinox in Karthika:
The evidence verse 1 from Udyoga parva mentions the change of season from Sharad (Dew) to Hemant (Autumn). This happens during the autumnal equinox. The verse mentions this change of season in Karthika month. Three months from Autumnal equinox will be winter solstice. Three months from Karthika is Magha. This corollory of winter equinox in Magha is confirmed in verse evidence 2 on Bhishma Nirvana. In the verse evidence 2 Bhishma clearly mentions the uttarayana/winter solstice in the month of Magha.
These two verses clearly places the months for equinox and solstice. Any Mahabharata date cannot brush aside this crucial evidence.
Evidence 1: Autumnal equinox in Karthika
कौमुदे मासि रेवत्यां शरदन्ते हिमागमे । स्फीतसस्यसुखे काले कल्यः सत्ववतां वरः ॥ 5-82-7
The translation: The month was (Kaumuda Kartika) under the constellation Revati. It was the season of dew, Autumn having departed. The earth was covered with abundant crops all around.
Evidence 2: Winter solstice in Magha
दिष्ट्या प्राप्तोसि कौन्तेय सहामात्यो युधिष्ठिर।परिवृत्तो हि भगवान्सहस्रांशुर्दिवाकरः॥13-273-26
अष्टपञ्चाशतं रात्र्यः शयानस्याद्य मे गताः। शरेषु निशिताग्नेषु यथा वर्षशतं तथा॥ 13-273-27
माघोऽयं समनुप्राप्तो मासः पुण्यो युधिष्ठिर। त्रिभागशेषः पक्षोऽयं शुक्लो भवितुमर्हति॥ 13-273-28
The translation: 'By good luck, O son of Kunti, thou hast come here with all thy counselors, O Yudhishthira! The thousand-rayed maker of day, the holy Surya has begun his northward course. I have been lying on my bed here for eight and fifty nights. Stretched on these sharp-pointed arrows I have felt this period to be as long as if it was a century. O Yudhishthira, the lunar month of Magha has come. This is, again, the lighted fortnight and a fourth part of it ought by this (according to my calculations) be over.'
Saturn in Rohini and Mars retrograde in Jyesta
The evidence verse 3 and 4 are from Krishna-Karna samvada in the Udyoga parva. These two verses mention a rare coincidence of two events. The two events are Saturn in Rohini and Mars retrograding in Jyesta.
Evidence 3: Saturn in Rohini
प्राजापत्यं हि नक्षत्रं ग्रहस्तीक्ष्णो महाद्युतिः । शनैश्चरः पीडयति पीडयन्प्राणिनोऽधिकम् ॥5-143-8
Translation: That fierce planet of great effulgence, Sanaischara (Saturn), is afflicting the constellation called Rohini, in order to afflict greatly the creatures of the earth.
Evidence 4: Mars retrograding in Jyesta
कृत्वा चाङ्गारको वक्रं ज्योष्ठायां मधुसूदन। अनुराधां प्रार्थयते मैत्रं संगमयन्निव । 5-143-9
Translation: The planet Angaraka (Mars), wheeling, O slayer of Madhu, towards the constellation Jyesta, approacheth towards Anuradha, indicating a great slaughter of friends.
Candidate years:
The unique position of Saturn and Mars happens roughly 200-2500 years. Together with the evidence of equinox and solstice only following years are a possibility
858 B.C,1300 B.C,1504 B.C, 1741 B.C, 1946 B.C, 2183 B.C and 2625 B.C
Any combination after 858 B.C the winter solstice will happen in the Pushya month and Autumnal equinox will happen in the Ashwini month. Any combination before 2625B.C the winter solstice and autumnal equinox will happen in the Phalguna month and the Mrigashira month respectively.
If we assume observation error by Bhishma for winter solstice, we can possibly add two more possible combination 2831B.C and 3067B.C. But any other combination such as 3273B.C and beyond will be very hard to justify as an observational error.
The year 1504B.C predicted in the previous blog, the date of Bhishma nirvana falls exactly on the winter solstice.
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