Today is the month of Karthika and the day of Pushya. This is the day in Mahabharata when the peace talks fails. Duryodhana orders his troops to march to Kurukshetra on this very day. This is the day when Krishna rushes back to Pandava's camp in Upaplavya, gathers them and leaves for war. Balarama also leave for pilgrimage in disgust on this eventful day. This also marks the end of Udyoga parva.
Today we will look at the 9 verses of Udyoga parva that provide astronomical evidences for dating the war. These 9 verses by themselves are necessary and sufficient to date the Mahabharata war to 1504B.C.
Necessary and sufficient evidences to date the war
In the previous blogs we saw that four main evidences are crucial to date the war. All the four evidences are available in the Udyoga parva. These are
1. Winter solstice in the month of Magha: A corollary of this evidence is the autumnal equinox in the month of Karthika three months earlier. The winter solstice is not recorded in the Udyoga parva. But the Autumnal equinox is recorded as shown in the verse evidence 1. The change of season from Autumn (Sharad) to Dew (Hemant) happens around autumnal equinox. This puts the lower limit of 3000B.C and an upper limit of 800B.C for the war.
Evidence 1: Krishna leaves for mission of peace
कौमुदे मासि रेवत्यां शरदन्ते हिमागमे । स्फीतसस्यसुखे काले कल्यः सत्ववतां वरः ॥ 5-82-7
Translation: The month was (Kaumuda Kartika) under the constellation Revati. It was the season of dew, Autumn having departed. The earth was covered with abundant crops all around.
2. Saturn in Rohini:
The verse evidence 2 from Udyoga parva clearly states that the Saturn was in Rohini during the war.
Evidence 2: Saturn afflicting Rohini nakshatra
प्राजापत्यं हि नक्षत्रं ग्रहस्तीक्ष्णो महाद्युतिः । शनैश्चरः पीडयति पीडयन्प्राणिनोऽधिकम् ॥5-143-8
Translation: That fierce planet of great effulgence, Sanaischara (Saturn), is afflicting the constellation called Rohini, in order to afflict greatly the creatures of the earth.
3. Mars retrogrades near Jyesta:
This is shown in evidence 3.
Evidence 3: Mars retrogrades from Jyesta to Anuradha
कृत्वा चाङ्गारको वक्रं ज्योष्ठायां मधुसूदन। अनुराधां प्रार्थयते मैत्रं संगमयन्निव । 5-143-9
Translation: The planet Angaraka (Mars), wheeling, O slayer of Madhu, towards the constellation Jeshthya, approacheth towards Anuradhas, indicating a great slaughter of friends.
Now combining evidences 1, 2 and 3 reduces the possible years to 858 B.C,1300 B.C,1504 B.C, 1741 B.C, 1946 B.C, 2183 B.C and 2625 B.C. If we attribute observational error on noting the exact month for autumnal equinox (and winter solstice) then we may include 2831B.C and 3067B.C. But any other combination such as 3273B.C and beyond will be very hard to justify as an observational error.
4. Solar eclipse at the end of Karthika and seven days from Pushya:
The final evidence which down selects 1504 B.C is the solar eclipse. When Krishna is riding back with Karna after the peace talks fails it is the month of Karthika as pointed in the verse evidence 1. The day talks breakdown and he is riding back, the moon is at Pushya. This is from verse evidence 4 where Duryodhana directs his troops to march to Kurukshetra since the talks have failed and Krishna returned.
Evidence 4: Duryodhana orders troops to march to Kurukshetra on the day of Pushya
आज्ञापयच्च राज्ञस्तान्पार्थिवान्नष्टचेतसः । प्रयात वै कुरुक्षेत्रं पुष्योऽद्येति पुनः पुनः ॥ 5-150-3
Translation: King Duryodhana then repeatedly ordered those wicked-hearted rulers, saying, 'Today constellation Pushya is ascendant--march ye (this very day) to Kurukshetra.’
Besides this verse 4, there are verses from Shalya parva that reinforce that Krishna reaching Upaplavya leaves with Pandavas to war on the day of Pushya. Hence the day of Krishna riding with Karna is also the day of Pushya.
During the ride Karna gives indication that a solar eclipse is approaching at the end of Karthika month. This is given in the verse evidence 5 by pointing out that the Rahu (lunar node) is approaching the sun. This is also reiterated by Vyasa to Bhishma in the Bhishma parva.
Evidence 5: Solar eclipse
सोमस्य लक्ष्म व्यावृत्तं राहुरर्कमुपैति च।दिवश्चोल्काः पतन्त्येताः सनिर्घाताः सकंपनाः॥ 5-143-11
Translation: The spot on the lunar disc hath changed its position; and Rahu also approacheth towards the sun.
Finally Karna indicates that from the day of Pushya, there are only 7 days to Amavasya (eclipse day). This is in the verse evidence 6.
Evidence 6: After peace mission fails, Krishna returns riding with Karna
सप्तमाच्चापि दिवसादमावास्या भविष्यति।सङ्ग्रामो युज्यतां तस्यां तामाहुः शक्रदेवताम्॥5-142-18
Translation: Seven days after, will be the day of the new moon. Let the battle commence then, for that day, it hath been said, is presided over by Indra.
Combining the verse evidence 4,5 and 6, we have a unique solar eclipse. In this eclipse month of Karthika moon traverses 10 stars from Pushya to Jyeta (position of sun at the end of Karthika) within a span of 7 days ending in a solar eclipse.
This unique eclipse happens only in 1504B.C.
Chronology of events in the Udyoga parva
If we take 1504B.C as the date of Mahabharata war, with help of verse 1 through 9 we can piece together the dates of the events in the Udyoga parva.
Sep 27 1504B.C is the month of Karthika when moon is at Revati. This marks the day when Krishna leaves from Upaplavya to Hastinapura for the peace mission. The verse 7 shows that, on his way, Krishna stopped at Vrikasthala at the time of sunset. He is welcomed by the residents there. He decides to rests for the night. Interestingly Vrikasthala is one of the villages that Krishna asks for Yudhishtra during the peace talks. This village is identified with Bhagpat in Uttar Pradesh
Evidence 7: Krishna arrives at Vrikastala evening of Sept 27th
वृकस्थलं समासाद्य केशवः परवीरहा । प्रकीर्णरश्मावादित्ये व्योम्नि वै लोहितायति ॥ 5-84-18
Translation: When at last that slayer of hostile heroes, Kesava, came to Vrikasthala, the sun seemed to redden the sky by his straggling rays of light.
On Sep 28th Krishna leaves for Hastinapura as shown in the verse 8. He enters Hastinapura and stays at Vidura's place for the night. This is given in the verse 9.
Evidence 8: Krishna leaves for Hastinapura from Vrikastala on Sep 28th
प्रातरुत्थाय कृष्णस्तु कृतवान्सर्वमाह्निकम्। ब्राह्मणैरभ्यनुज्ञातः प्रययौ नगरं प्रति ॥ 5-89-1
Translation: Rising up (from his bed) at day-dawn, Krishna went through his morning rites, and taking leave of the Bharatas, set out for the city (of the Kurus).
Evidence 4: Krishna spends the night of September 28th at Vidura’s place in Hastinapura
तथा कथयतोरेव तयोर्बुद्धिमतोस्तदा। शिवा नक्षत्रसंपन्ना सा व्यतीयाय शर्वरी ॥ 5-94-1
Translation: In such conversation between those two distinguished persons(Krishna and Vidura), both of whom were endued with great intelligence, that night, lit with bright stars, passed away.
Now there is a gap of events and days when the negotiations and peace talks are going on in Hastinapur. From verse evidence 4 we come to know that on October 5th, the day of Pushya, talks have broken down. Krishna leaves for Upaplavya. Duryodhana orders his troops to march to Kurukshetra. This is the day when Krishna rides back with Karna, gather Pandavas and leaves for the battle. This eventful month ends with a solar eclipse on October 13th.
-Sep 27th: Krishna leaves for Hastinapura. Stay in Vrikastala for the night
-Sep 28th: He leaves for Hastinapura
-Oct 5th: the talks breakdown. Krishna rushes back to Pandavas
-Oct 13th: Solar eclipse
Today we will look at the 9 verses of Udyoga parva that provide astronomical evidences for dating the war. These 9 verses by themselves are necessary and sufficient to date the Mahabharata war to 1504B.C.
Necessary and sufficient evidences to date the war
In the previous blogs we saw that four main evidences are crucial to date the war. All the four evidences are available in the Udyoga parva. These are
1. Winter solstice in the month of Magha: A corollary of this evidence is the autumnal equinox in the month of Karthika three months earlier. The winter solstice is not recorded in the Udyoga parva. But the Autumnal equinox is recorded as shown in the verse evidence 1. The change of season from Autumn (Sharad) to Dew (Hemant) happens around autumnal equinox. This puts the lower limit of 3000B.C and an upper limit of 800B.C for the war.
Evidence 1: Krishna leaves for mission of peace
कौमुदे मासि रेवत्यां शरदन्ते हिमागमे । स्फीतसस्यसुखे काले कल्यः सत्ववतां वरः ॥ 5-82-7
Translation: The month was (Kaumuda Kartika) under the constellation Revati. It was the season of dew, Autumn having departed. The earth was covered with abundant crops all around.
2. Saturn in Rohini:
The verse evidence 2 from Udyoga parva clearly states that the Saturn was in Rohini during the war.
Evidence 2: Saturn afflicting Rohini nakshatra
प्राजापत्यं हि नक्षत्रं ग्रहस्तीक्ष्णो महाद्युतिः । शनैश्चरः पीडयति पीडयन्प्राणिनोऽधिकम् ॥5-143-8
Translation: That fierce planet of great effulgence, Sanaischara (Saturn), is afflicting the constellation called Rohini, in order to afflict greatly the creatures of the earth.
3. Mars retrogrades near Jyesta:
This is shown in evidence 3.
Evidence 3: Mars retrogrades from Jyesta to Anuradha
कृत्वा चाङ्गारको वक्रं ज्योष्ठायां मधुसूदन। अनुराधां प्रार्थयते मैत्रं संगमयन्निव । 5-143-9
Translation: The planet Angaraka (Mars), wheeling, O slayer of Madhu, towards the constellation Jeshthya, approacheth towards Anuradhas, indicating a great slaughter of friends.
Now combining evidences 1, 2 and 3 reduces the possible years to 858 B.C,1300 B.C,1504 B.C, 1741 B.C, 1946 B.C, 2183 B.C and 2625 B.C. If we attribute observational error on noting the exact month for autumnal equinox (and winter solstice) then we may include 2831B.C and 3067B.C. But any other combination such as 3273B.C and beyond will be very hard to justify as an observational error.
4. Solar eclipse at the end of Karthika and seven days from Pushya:
The final evidence which down selects 1504 B.C is the solar eclipse. When Krishna is riding back with Karna after the peace talks fails it is the month of Karthika as pointed in the verse evidence 1. The day talks breakdown and he is riding back, the moon is at Pushya. This is from verse evidence 4 where Duryodhana directs his troops to march to Kurukshetra since the talks have failed and Krishna returned.
Evidence 4: Duryodhana orders troops to march to Kurukshetra on the day of Pushya
आज्ञापयच्च राज्ञस्तान्पार्थिवान्नष्टचेतसः । प्रयात वै कुरुक्षेत्रं पुष्योऽद्येति पुनः पुनः ॥ 5-150-3
Translation: King Duryodhana then repeatedly ordered those wicked-hearted rulers, saying, 'Today constellation Pushya is ascendant--march ye (this very day) to Kurukshetra.’
Besides this verse 4, there are verses from Shalya parva that reinforce that Krishna reaching Upaplavya leaves with Pandavas to war on the day of Pushya. Hence the day of Krishna riding with Karna is also the day of Pushya.
During the ride Karna gives indication that a solar eclipse is approaching at the end of Karthika month. This is given in the verse evidence 5 by pointing out that the Rahu (lunar node) is approaching the sun. This is also reiterated by Vyasa to Bhishma in the Bhishma parva.
Evidence 5: Solar eclipse
सोमस्य लक्ष्म व्यावृत्तं राहुरर्कमुपैति च।दिवश्चोल्काः पतन्त्येताः सनिर्घाताः सकंपनाः॥ 5-143-11
Translation: The spot on the lunar disc hath changed its position; and Rahu also approacheth towards the sun.
Finally Karna indicates that from the day of Pushya, there are only 7 days to Amavasya (eclipse day). This is in the verse evidence 6.
Evidence 6: After peace mission fails, Krishna returns riding with Karna
सप्तमाच्चापि दिवसादमावास्या भविष्यति।सङ्ग्रामो युज्यतां तस्यां तामाहुः शक्रदेवताम्॥5-142-18
Translation: Seven days after, will be the day of the new moon. Let the battle commence then, for that day, it hath been said, is presided over by Indra.
Combining the verse evidence 4,5 and 6, we have a unique solar eclipse. In this eclipse month of Karthika moon traverses 10 stars from Pushya to Jyeta (position of sun at the end of Karthika) within a span of 7 days ending in a solar eclipse.
This unique eclipse happens only in 1504B.C.
Chronology of events in the Udyoga parva
If we take 1504B.C as the date of Mahabharata war, with help of verse 1 through 9 we can piece together the dates of the events in the Udyoga parva.
Sep 27 1504B.C is the month of Karthika when moon is at Revati. This marks the day when Krishna leaves from Upaplavya to Hastinapura for the peace mission. The verse 7 shows that, on his way, Krishna stopped at Vrikasthala at the time of sunset. He is welcomed by the residents there. He decides to rests for the night. Interestingly Vrikasthala is one of the villages that Krishna asks for Yudhishtra during the peace talks. This village is identified with Bhagpat in Uttar Pradesh
Evidence 7: Krishna arrives at Vrikastala evening of Sept 27th
वृकस्थलं समासाद्य केशवः परवीरहा । प्रकीर्णरश्मावादित्ये व्योम्नि वै लोहितायति ॥ 5-84-18
Translation: When at last that slayer of hostile heroes, Kesava, came to Vrikasthala, the sun seemed to redden the sky by his straggling rays of light.
On Sep 28th Krishna leaves for Hastinapura as shown in the verse 8. He enters Hastinapura and stays at Vidura's place for the night. This is given in the verse 9.
Evidence 8: Krishna leaves for Hastinapura from Vrikastala on Sep 28th
प्रातरुत्थाय कृष्णस्तु कृतवान्सर्वमाह्निकम्। ब्राह्मणैरभ्यनुज्ञातः प्रययौ नगरं प्रति ॥ 5-89-1
Translation: Rising up (from his bed) at day-dawn, Krishna went through his morning rites, and taking leave of the Bharatas, set out for the city (of the Kurus).
Evidence 4: Krishna spends the night of September 28th at Vidura’s place in Hastinapura
तथा कथयतोरेव तयोर्बुद्धिमतोस्तदा। शिवा नक्षत्रसंपन्ना सा व्यतीयाय शर्वरी ॥ 5-94-1
Translation: In such conversation between those two distinguished persons(Krishna and Vidura), both of whom were endued with great intelligence, that night, lit with bright stars, passed away.
Now there is a gap of events and days when the negotiations and peace talks are going on in Hastinapur. From verse evidence 4 we come to know that on October 5th, the day of Pushya, talks have broken down. Krishna leaves for Upaplavya. Duryodhana orders his troops to march to Kurukshetra. This is the day when Krishna rides back with Karna, gather Pandavas and leaves for the battle. This eventful month ends with a solar eclipse on October 13th.
-Sep 27th: Krishna leaves for Hastinapura. Stay in Vrikastala for the night
-Sep 28th: He leaves for Hastinapura
-Oct 5th: the talks breakdown. Krishna rushes back to Pandavas
-Oct 13th: Solar eclipse
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