Monday, November 6, 2023

Rig veda 10.129.1

नासद् आसीन् नो सद् आसीत् तदानीं नासीद् रजो नो व्योमा परो यत् |
किम् आवरीवः कुह कस्य शर्मन्न् अम्भः किम् आसीद् गहनं गभीरम् ||
nāsad āsīn no sad āsīt tadānīṃ nāsīd rajo no vyomā paro yat |
kim āvarīvaḥ kuha kasya śarmann ambhaḥ kim āsīd gahanaṃ gabhīram ||

- nāsad āsīn no sad āsīt : (Before creation) what was present can neither be called existence nor non existence (In static form it is no different than the inconsciousness that surrender it)
- tadānīṃ nāsīd rajo no vyomā paro yat : There was no (lower world such as) vital plane nor were there higher worlds (such as sat-chit-ananda existence plane, force plane and harmony plane) (since these dynamic world come after creation)
- kim āvarīvaḥ kuha kasya śarmann : what was it that was covered up (by the darkness of inconsciousness)? Where was it? In what did it take refuge?
- ambhaḥ kim āsīd gahanaṃ gabhīram : what was that deep and impenetrable ocean (of inconscious darkness that surrounded it)?

Sunday, November 5, 2023

Rig veda 1.95.3

त्रीणि जाना परि भूषन्त्य् अस्य समुद्र एकं दिव्य् एकम् अप्सु |
पूर्वाम् अनु प्र दिशम् पार्थिवानाम् ऋतून् प्रशासद् वि दधाव् अनुष्ठु ||
trīṇi jānā pari bhūṣanty asya samudra ekaṃ divy ekam apsu |
pūrvām anu pra diśam pārthivānām ṛtūn praśāsad vi dadhāv anuṣṭhu ||

- trīṇi jānā pari bhūṣanty asya : There are 3 births (of agni/soul) that we come to see around us
- samudra ekaṃ divy ekam apsu : In the physical space (ocean), in the mental space (heaven), in vital space (waters descending from heaven)
- pūrvām anu pra diśam pārthivānām : (The agni/soul) for the dwellers of this earth (mortal humans) sets the (eastern) direction (to proceed)
 - rtun praśāsad vi dadhāv anuṣṭhu : and ordains the succession of seasons (marks the time for the sacrifice).

Saturday, November 4, 2023

Rog veda 6.12.1

मध्ये होता दुरोणे बर्हिषो राऌ अग्निस् तोदस्य रोदसी यजध्यै |
अयं स सूनुः सहस ऋतावा दूरात् सूर्यो न शोचिषा ततान ||
madhye hotā duroṇe barhiṣo rāḷ agnis todasya rodasī yajadhyai |
ayaṃ sa sūnuḥ sahasa ṛtāvā dūrāt sūryo na śociṣā tatāna ||

- madhye hotā duroṇe : In the midmost region (heart) of the human body (house) the priest,
- barhiṣo rāḷ agnis : who is the soul (agni) sits like the king of the sacred seat (behind the vital being which is also situated in the heart)
- todasya rodasī yajadhyai : The soul performs sacrifice for mental and physical being (heaven and earth)
- ayaṃ sa sūnuḥ sahasa ṛtāvā : This is the son of shiva (shiva stands for chit/force in sat-chit-ananda and his son is agni who in puranas is the kumara karthikeya) in whom is the order (rtam of satyam ritam brihat)
- dūrāt sūryo na śociṣā tatāna : Like the far away sun (vijnana/super mind) illuminates us (so does the soul seems to act from far since our mind-vital-physical body has not undergone supramental transformation from sun/vijnana not it has undergone psychic transformation by the soul). 

Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Rig veda 1.1.8

राजन्तम् अध्वराणां गोपाम् ऋतस्य दीदिविम् |
वर्धमानं स्वे दमे ||
rājantam adhvarāṇāṃ gopām ṛtasya dīdivim |
vardhamānaṃ sve dame ||

- rājantam adhvarāṇāṃ: (agni/soul) You are the king presiding over the sacrifice (performed by the mental (minister)-vital (soldier)-physical (worker)  being)
- gopām ṛtasya dīdivim : You are the protector of the divine order and it's illumination (though mind life and body is groping in the darkness, soul is ever aware of the divine presence and path it wants us to take)
- vardhamānaṃ sve dame : Increase (psychic transform or soul talking over) in thy own house (mental-vital-physical body).

Rig veda 1.1.9

स नः पितेव सूनवे ऽग्ने सूपायनो भव |
सचस्वा नः स्वस्तये ||
sa naḥ piteva sūnave 'gne sūpāyano bhava |
sacasvā naḥ svastaye ||

- sa naḥ piteva sūnave ; Like a father onto a son
- agne sūpāyano bhava : Agni(soul) easily approach us (mental-vital-physical being)
- sacasvā naḥ svastaye : care for us to achieve the blessed state (psychic transformation of mental-vital-physical being)